5 THINGS for 5 minutes to Beat BOREDOM!

phyllis meiring
3 min readApr 2, 2023

My kids used to cry, “I’m bored.” My response was, “I’m not you’re cruise ship activity director.” Let’s face it, admit it, I’m bored. I’m unmotivated, unimpressed, uninspired — UN-something or UNnothing!

So for a bit, I will be your cruise ship activities director.

Here’s what you will need:

  • paper/notebook
  • pen/pencil
  • laptop/cell phone w/ internet connection

5 THINGS — 5 Minutes each that will jump start your unmotivated mood — even if you have ADHD; get on with it then.

Gold Mining

№5 : Review your list of FB friends. There’s too many there! Ask yourself, “are you one of those people I WISH would listen, hear, or respond but haven’t?” Then kick them off the island, tell ’em to hop on the bus Gus, and get yourself free! GO!

№4: Pick a window with the best view in your living space (or just go outside and pick a good spot to sit for 5 minutes). Just watch. Watch what happens. Count. Count birds, people, cars, trucks, flowers, purses, shoes — just start counting at 12–11–10–9-etc and when you get to 1, pick something else to count until your timer goes off. Just sit, watch and count things until your time is up.

№3: Pick a junk drawer in your kitchen, bath, or in your work/creative space. Grab a trashcan. Empty it out on a workspace and begin picking things out that need thrown away. Outdated, broken, things you have no idea what is was or what it went with— just throw it out until the timer goes off. Put the rest of the stuff back in the drawer and move onto #2.

№2: Pick a song you love from your past/present and go online and dig up the history of how it was written, who wrote it, when was it released — dig up all the facts you can find. Pick another song and repeat if you still have time on your timer.

This place is PRICELESS!

№1: First, pick a number between 1–14. Next, go to YouTube and in the search bar type, “learn how to”. There will be numerous options from the pop-down bar so, using that number you picked, count down and open that choice. Scroll down and look for a video that’s up to 5 minutes long (no need for the timer reset) and watch it.

Over 30 minutes passed by if you followed this all the way through. You have probably already done more in those minutes than you would have just wallowing in boredom. Did this help pull you out of the mire of the boredom quicksand?

Where will the journey lead you?

Tell me what happened; I want to hear your story.



phyllis meiring

Life Alchemist — observations, perspectives, alternatives, solutions from my internal peeps, a BTI, near death experience, lifetime seer.