Are You Ready for Change?

phyllis meiring
4 min readAug 18, 2022

Without sounding like a cheesy commercial, I need to ask the question.

Do you wanna be READY or do you wanna RUN?

Everywhere there are people caught up in mass hysteria — breaking into government meetings, shooting people like it’s a carnival game, injecting this and swallowing that, becoming mini-kings/queens in self-made kingdoms ruling everyone around them waving banners with declarations of names for their kingdoms; left, right, conservative, liberal, up, down, over, under, joining, banding, fighting, spewing, marching — cries of angry desperation in the streets and in silence behind locked doors.

How can we get out? Where is the light? What’s the answer?


They say, “Death and taxes are the only guarantees in life.?!”

(hear the game buzzer) — WRONG!

The ONE guarantee is CHANGE.

Nothing stays the same. Not even if you live on a desert island, you still change. Your body changes. The weather changes. The moon and sun change and sooner or later someone will wash up on your island.

Every instance, situation, circumstance will change too. Kingdoms rise and fall. Someone is in charge, then someone else. Something is good for you AND….then it’s not.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.*”

Change is the more powerful than the air we breath, although admittedly breathing is vital, nay ESSENTIAL to life. And as long as there is breath, there is change.

Since EVERYTHING changes, wouldn’t it be great to become a savant of change? Wouldn’t it be great to generate change to create what you want? Wouldn’t you want to control what happens to you? Wouldn’t you want to know what is coming next in your life and be prepared for it instead of bobbing like a cork in the ocean?

I have this internal dialog that at times gets quite busy. When I freak out, the piggy guru eventually responds, first allowing me to have a breakdown before she gives me a gentle reminder push — “come on, get up and get on with it already, oink!” She reminds me to shut up and be honest with myself!

Once I get the honest rhythm of IT, the IT becomes more clear and easier. Whether it’s hoops or dance or speech or painting or conversation. WHATEVER your IT at the moment is, you will GET it.

……at this is point my inside goat voice sarcastically says something snarky like, “no shit bitch! And if it were possible you’d be doing it.”

Oink, well you got yourself in this place one step, though at a time but you can pop out, then get on with a different way! And the little piggy is right!

Unless I was the Savant of Change, it WOULD be simple. I gotta be honest with myself; I am getting better.

Honestly, the process of change is BOTH simple AND complex.

CHANGE is inevitable so stop fighting the waves like a drowning goat in 6" of water— or — you can whine and cry and bitch and wale and do the snarky, snarks.

If that’s the case, SNARK OFF and be on your way but I guarantee you, you won’t be able to run far. The panic with rise up within you again and again until you begin the journey of becoming the SAVANT of CHANGE!

So bob and weave on~

Be READY for what is COMING next!

….are you still here? Good! Good for YOU!!!

How DO you become a SAVANT of CHANGE?


Begin with honesty — WITH yourself!!!

ASK your piggy self, “Where am I lying to myself?”

Be honest, the first step will not exactly be a step but a start in a new direction.

Remember, you didn’t learn to run at 12 months.

You rolled over then sat up

then up on your knees then rocking

then crawling then wobbling in place

then step-fall-step-repeat

then faster steps-more falling…What are you waiting for?

If you don’t like your life, make a change and if you don’t like the change, gather more info and make more changes. Change leads to more change and more change and more change so my not be the creator of your own change?

…..and a little push from my piggy to your goat;

When the honesty leads you self deceit that carries shame, sit down a bit, look at it, admit it and then QUIT carrying it around; it’s not worth carrying the load. It’s ok to be human!

Admit it and take the next step in a newer life!

*Closing Time by Semisonic



phyllis meiring

Life Alchemist — observations, perspectives, alternatives, solutions from my internal peeps, a BTI, near death experience, lifetime seer.